Matita Sprout®, è la matita con semi che si pianta e cresce: è biodegradabile al 100%, realizzata in legno, grafite e argilla, all’estremità ha una capsula biodegradabile contenente dei semi OGM-FREE, che germinano a contatto con l’acqua. Quando la matita diventa troppo corta per essere utilizzata, piantala in un vaso e assicurale luce ed acqua. In poche settimane, nasceranno i primi germogli

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A small pencil with a big idea

Growing pens? That sounds ridiculous. But, growing pencils now that could work. And it does! The plantable Sprout pencils can grow into plants like luscious flowers, fragrant herbs and fresh vegetables once they’re too short to use.  

By planting a Sprout pencil instead of just throwing it out, you can make sustainability visible to others. And inspire them to make small changes in their daily life. This is the idea behind the Sprout pencil. And it’s struck a chord as our plantable pencils are now available in over 60 countries around the world. Ask info

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